Bedding: Mattress, cover, and sleeping bag

Once I built the wooden sleeping platform, we needed to decide on the bedding solution for the Jeep. Since I carpeted the platforms, sleeping in a sleeping bag directly on them would probably be okay for a short camping trip, but for an extended period we wanted something more comfortable. It also needed to be … Continue reading Bedding: Mattress, cover, and sleeping bag

Frame: A platform & storage for sleeping in the car

Before getting started setting up my Jeep for overlanding, the first decision I needed to make was where and how we were going to sleep in the car on our trips. Sleeping options Rooftop Tent My original plan was to get a rooftop tent like this Tepui Autana. Since I was going to get a … Continue reading Frame: A platform & storage for sleeping in the car

Privacy: Curtains and window coverings

When we’re camping the wilderness, privacy isn’t much of an issue. But the rest of the time, we need a way to cover the windows on all four sides, without looking like we're definitely sleeping in the car. Light blocking is important, too-- if we're sleeping in a parking lot or on a street, I … Continue reading Privacy: Curtains and window coverings

Ventilation: Window screens, rain visors, and fans

One big problem with sleeping in the car is ventilation. I tried sleeping in the car with the windows up once because it was cold, and I’ll never do it again. It was almost impossible to sleep, and the car was gross in the morning. Keeping the car running overnight is pretty wasteful, bad, conspicuous, … Continue reading Ventilation: Window screens, rain visors, and fans